
Some irritation due to extended output of systemd / systemctl status for sysv services

Bad is an unpleasant word, right? “On” or “off” implies some final statement, or “failed” may signal something wrong but at least terminated. But “bad”… uuuhh, blameworthy, guilty, unaccountable, still being around. Ok, before diving into linguistic depression, the change eventually turned out simple and was actually in good faith but, however, produced remarkable irritation. You know, systemctl status {service} will show an overview of some systemd unit definition with load state, current activity and so on. The load state, in particular, details, in parantheses, into the path of the unit file, the enablement and the vendor enablement preset, respectively. Original systemd units may give a load state as follows:

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/atop.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)

However, systemd units, that have just been derived from systemv init scripts, only printed the init script path since lately:

Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/sysv-thing)

The new irritating factor now is an extension for those derived systemv init scripts, to also state the enablement, but show up as “bad” for the running enablement for whatever weird reason:

Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/sysv-thing; bad; vendor preset: disabled)


The 11g pivot query and the group by clause

There has been this long awaited pivot query feature available since 11g that saves us time in writing those infamous decode / group by queries (see expert one-on-one from Tom Kyte or the web for examples) to flip (grouped by) leading row values to column names.

Searching the web for application examples, however, does only reveal this emp-table stuff, e.g. on, that still contains the well known group by with the base query.

  FROM (SELECT job, deptno, sum(sal) sal FROM emp GROUP BY job, deptno)
         PIVOT ( sum(sal) FOR deptno IN (10, 20, 30, 40) );

JOB               10         20         30         40
--------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
CLERK           1300       1900        950
SALESMAN                              5600
PRESIDENT       5000
MANAGER         2450       2975       2850
ANALYST                    6000

Jep so, what I wanted to achive was a simple flip of rows of status values and counts into columns of status names and count values based on some data like the following.


Materialized views ddl and dml stati (and the infamous NEEDS_COMPILE)


Employing materialized views (or snapshot or mview for short) for producing simple sum-up reports is really cool stuff. You just launch some statement like below and will be served with a well performing collection of data that is more or less current (that is why i call that simple). Oracle will care for the refresh of the mview by self-registering a job on calling dbms_refresh.refresh('some_mv');, that starts immediately and takes the interval from the statement. Handing in the force keyword just chooses a fast refresh method iff possible and a complete refresh method otherwise. There are more defaults applied by leaving other keywords unset, the refresh mode for example, but this is not the point of the article. It is:

Why does that … mview always show a state of NEEDS_COMPILE although no ddl action has happend along the objects dependency chain lately?

create materialized view some_mv
  build immediate
  refresh force next (sysdate + 1/24/12)
select X.ts, from (
  select to_char(max(A.ts), ' hh24:mi') as ts, B.blubb
    from tab1 A, tab1_1 B where =
    group by B.blubb
) X, tab2 Y
  where X.blubb =;
