Month: October 2018

Presenting “Analytic Functions in Practice” at the DOAG-Regio Hamburg/Nord Dec 4 2018

Save the date to see my presentation about “Oracle Analytic Functions in Practice Applications” along the regular meetup of the DOAG/Oracle-community in Hamburg on Dec 4 2018. Although analytic functions is nothing really new in the Oracle world, I’m again attempting to propagate the thrilling productivity of this SQL-toolset, since practice applications are still not as dispersed as expected. To this extent, I want to stress windowing and aggregation over analytics and statistics in real world scenarios and examples. The presentation will be held in German, I suppose. Event details go here and there:

A Confluence dashboard-like page layout using section-, column- and panel-macros

Every wiki landing page usually features a kind of overview layout to provide links to the most interesting topics or articles. This might constitute a classic table of contents, quite lengthy at times, a tag cloud of the hottest keywords (and relations, maybe), for iterative exploration, or, if you like, a dashboard of context grouped / block visualized widgets of important articles. Whatever you prefer, me, I almost always take on the dashboard approach, because it provides a great productivity in information to space ratio. Furthermore, dashboards also greatly serve the figurative memory in that one can plainly remember some article link resides in a widget up in the upper right corner of the page or yet within another widget with an outstanding background color.

However, I’m not planning to advertise dashboard / widget user interfaces here. What is to follow comprises an implementation pattern and example of setting up a simple dashboard layout in recent Confluence environments. All you need is to employ section-, column- and panel-macros in that order and hierarchy, respectively. For reference see the latest Confluence docs concerning:
