Month: March 2017

Some irritation due to extended output of systemd / systemctl status for sysv services

Bad is an unpleasant word, right? “On” or “off” implies some final statement, or “failed” may signal something wrong but at least terminated. But “bad”… uuuhh, blameworthy, guilty, unaccountable, still being around. Ok, before diving into linguistic depression, the change eventually turned out simple and was actually in good faith but, however, produced remarkable irritation. You know, systemctl status {service} will show an overview of some systemd unit definition with load state, current activity and so on. The load state, in particular, details, in parantheses, into the path of the unit file, the enablement and the vendor enablement preset, respectively. Original systemd units may give a load state as follows:

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/atop.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)

However, systemd units, that have just been derived from systemv init scripts, only printed the init script path since lately:

Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/sysv-thing)

The new irritating factor now is an extension for those derived systemv init scripts, to also state the enablement, but show up as “bad” for the running enablement for whatever weird reason:

Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/sysv-thing; bad; vendor preset: disabled)


Scheduling / descheduling linux host reboots via shutdown

Scheduling and/or descheduling linux host reboots is possible with the shutdown -r command using the time parameter (the reboot command, that I usually prefer in favour of clarity, does’nt feature the time parameter, so shutdown -r is the only choice here). Aside from discussing the quite straightforward man page of shutdown, there is two points here to register in your knowledge cells.
First, a (scheduled) shutdown -r hh24:mi execution will hangup itself into background, no need to use job-tools or an &. shutdown -r hh24:mi actually puts systemd-shutdownd in charge of serving the party, this is what you”ll want to expect to see in your running process list, looking for some command effect. Also, a running scheduled shutdown may be cancelled using shutdown -c any time before hh24:mi. Note however, that from around five minutes before hh24:mi, you’ll you’ll no longer be allowed to login the machine, essentially impeding any further control from your side.
